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Psalm 27 - To Be Recited During the Month of Elul

09/09/2022 11:05:49 AM


  1. Of David… Adonai is my light and my victory—
    From whom should I feel fright? Adonai is the stronghold of my life— From whom should I feel terror?
  2. When evildoers approach me in battle to feed on my flesh— My pursuers, my adversaries— They have stumbled, they have fallen down.
  3. If a camp encamps against me, my heart will not fear; If a war arises against me, In this I would trust:
  4. One thing have I sought from Adonai—  How I long for it: That I may live in the house of Adonai all the days of my life; That I may look upon the sweetness of Adonai, And spend time in the Palace;
  5. That you might hide me in Your sukkah on a chaotic day, Hide me in the hiding places of Your tent, Raise me high upon a rock.
  6. Now my head rises high above my enemies roundabout, And in Your tent I’ll offer offerings to the sound of t’ruah. I shall sing and chant praises to Adonai.
  7. Hear, Adonai, my voice— I am crying out! Be gracious to me, answer me!
  8. My heart has said to you: “Seek my face.” I am seeking Your face, Adonai-
  9. Do not hide Your face from me. Do not turn Your servant away in anger, You have been my help— Do not forsake me, do not abandon me, G-d of my deliverance!
  10. For may father and my mother, have abandoned me, Yet Adonai gathers me up.
  11. Make Your path apparent to me, Guide me in the upright road Because of those up ahead who lie in wait for me.
  12. Do not hand me over to the lust of my adversaries—For false witnesses have risen against me, puffing violently!
  13. Had I not the faith that I would see the goodness of G-d in the land of life…
  14. Wait for Adonai— Fill your waiting with hope in Adonai; Let your heart be strong and of good, courage, And wait hopefully for Adonai.
Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785