Please use this page to make online payments or donations with PayPal.
Members, after logging in:
- If you have a balance due, you will see the option "Payment is". Select it as follows:
- To make a payment for items that have already been billed to your account, select "for account balance". When you continue, you can choose which items you are paying for.
- To make a new donation, select "a donation".
- Choose the payment "Type" to indicate how your payment should be applied.
- Choose the payment "Type" to indicate how your payment should be applied.
If you prefer to pay by check, do not submit this form. Instead, be sure to note the type of payment (dues, classes, tickets, or donation, including the fund to which you are donating) and mail your payment to:
Beth El Binah
PO Box 191188
Dallas, TX 75219
If you have any questions, contact