Tree Planting Tributes
Tree Planting Tributes
Congregation Beth El Binah is excited about a new project we are undertaking. With the fire disasters that have occurred in our beautiful national forests the past couple of years, the Congregational Board has decided to take social action in helping to repopulate the thousands of trees that have been destroyed.
In celebration of Tu BiShvat on Sunday evening, January 16th and Monday, January 17th, our temple is initiating a tree planting tribute to commemorate Yahrzeit memorials, anniversaries, birthdays, special occasions or personal desire for forest restoration. If a donation is made to honor a specific person or event, a card will be sent to honoree with his/her name, date and personal message. We look forward to our special work in bringing beauty to our beloved country.
Please use the form below to make your donation.
You are not currently logged in. If you are a Beth El Binah member, please log in so that your donation is credited to your account.
If you continue with the form below, without logging in, you will be asked to pay with PayPal. If you prefer to send a check ($25 minimum donation per tree), enclose a note with:
- The occasion (anniversary, birthday, yahrzeit, etc.)
- The dedication type (In Honor Of, In Memory Of, or No Dedication)
- If the dedication is In Honor Of or In Memory Of:
- The name of the person being honored / memorialized
- The Tribute Message
- The person to notify (optional), including name and mailing address
Mail the note and check, payable to Congregation Beth El Binah, to:
Congregation Beth El Binah
P.O. Box 191188
Dallas, Texas 75219
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